Addiction Treatment

Recovery from alcohol, drugs, and other addictions must focus beyond quitting a specific substance or behavior. The ultimate goal is creating a way of life and thinking that generates a sense of resilience and hope in the recovery journey.

Alcoholism is a chronic disease, and it lasts a person’s lifetime. While there is no cure, there is treatment for the prevention against alcohol relapse. Addiction treatment is a complex process, there isn’t single solution that fits everyones’ needs.

addiction treatment


At WPHC we are trained in numerous modalities to provide integrated treatment for each person’s particular addiction. Clinical expert and personally compassionate, expect nothing less from your treatment team!

Ryan was trained in addictions through Texas Tech University’s Center for Addiction Study. He has been working in the field of substance abuse since 2002. He has provided treatment services through inpatient treatment settings, court ordered specialized treatment programs, intensive outpatient treatment programs, group therapy, and individual treatment. Ryan works with individuals to create a sense of hope for sober living.

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