Emotional Release
There have been studies that show the physical effect of emotions on the human body. Trauma and emotions must be dealt with so a person is able to live in freedom, or even in the present moment. An emotional release session can be a powerful modality to begin reaching your fullest potential.
Release technique
Pub Med studies have discussed the emotional effects of chronic trauma on the brain and the body. The images below were captured through the electrical activity of the brain before and after emotional release techniques were performed. Ryan has built this technique from numerous resources as an eclectic approach to help clients optimize the therapeutic possibilities.
The red on the left image illustrates a strong state of stress and tension. A state of being where an individual would often have a difficult time resting or being calm. In the right image, it is clear to see that there is a change. This was not a scientific study, but experimental research only, there was no diagnosis and/or hypothesis as to the effect of an emotional release on emotions. The subject reported a state of clarity and happiness, a sense of peace and ability to be in the present, one they hadn’t experienced in some time.
Before emotional release
After emotional release